Saturday, March 20, 2010

Fun Week

Jason and Jen's studly little man - Abram. You can tell he's a dearly loved boy. We really enjoy spending time with him and Jaida - Andy and Jill's little girl - and are blessed to have friends like the Lee's and Paullus'!

Last weekend we went to the Amana Colonies and explored the history of the unique German communal society. We had a blast learning new things, admiring the tight community they had, and understanding why they fled for religious freedom. Many lessons of what to do and what not to do! We stayed at a nice Bed and Breakfast and took a 2 hour self guided CD tour of all the colonies and just enjoyed being out of Ames for a bit.
We also found our future family van! This beast would be truly Vintastic!

Friday, March 19, 2010

Health Care

I agree... Freedom of the private sector has always been America's strong point!

Sunday, March 7, 2010

Liquid Consciousness

I am currently reading a book by Beth Moore (see previous post). She is a fantastic writer and uses the words "liquid consciousness" to describe her need for coffee. Though she and we depend on Jesus for our strength, I think on many days Joel and I would reference our beloved Dunkin Donuts Coffee as just that... liquid consciousness.

Meet "Liquid Consciousness"!

Joel has drank DD for nearly 7 years (and he used to order it when they didn't sell it at Walmart... clear sign of dedication). Pre-dating Joel I didn't even drink coffee much. Now, however I am hooked to DD plus the fact that I do add WAY more sugar and choice flavorings to mine than Joel does. My current choice is coconut... mmm! I sometimes hear, "Would you like some coffee with your sugar and creamer?" from Joel trying to make a a joke of my habits. He's probably right... but eh, whatev! My holistic motto for a healthy lifestyle is everything in moderation and thus far its workin' great!

That to say, he makes Dunkin WAY better than I do. He doesn't think he has any skill related to the kitchen, but I beg to differ. He makes a mean pot of coffee and I will never top him (I'm really ok staying in bed when he gets up to go make the coffee)!

They say to be an expert at something you have to spend nearly 10,000 hours doing it. Maybe Joel isn't an expert, but if they opened a DD in Ames he would make a fine barista (or whatever you call the man version). However, I do not think Cornerstone would let him leave his Jr. Pastor job (mostly because he rocks at it and God is really using him). We do hope someday to live near a DD... maybe in heaven!